Blepharitis Treatment

Written by Aquaman on 11.02.2022 in Blog with no comments.

Blepharitis is an extremely common condition that causes inflammation of the sensitive eyelids


This condition is quite difficult to treat as it tends to come back time and again. Complications from blepharititis include: Infection: An inflamed red rash on the inner part of the upper lid caused by a minor infection of the salivary gland of the eye. As this condition comes out from under the eyes, it may cause the eyes to look swollen and bloodshot.


Irritation: This happens when there is too much tear fluid and secretions in the eye due to inflammation, resulting in swelling. It can also drain excess fluid around the eyes, causing irritation. These signs and symptoms can be present in both young and elderly patients.


Corneal ulcers: This occurs when an infected eyelid bulges out and the cornea of ​​that eye is exposed. This is also known as "fear". Eye drops are the best solution for this condition. However, it may take several days for the treatment to take effect. If left untreated, symptoms can lead to blindness.


Blepharitis also leads to some other complications such as bleeding from the eyes, crusting, or puckering of the eyeball. It can also lead to swelling of the eye, and if left untreated, the swelling of the eyeball can even lead to permanent damage to the eyeball. Blepharitis can also be caused by eye tissue infection or trauma.


There are a number of good home remedies that can be used to treat blepharitis


These include: applying petroleum jelly to the affected area, using an ointment containing benzoyl peroxide to clean and protect the area, using medicated eye drops to treat inflammation and drainage, drinking a glass of warm water before bed. and using cotton swabs on the affected area.


In severe cases of blepharititis, a medical practitioner may be consulted. However, it is wise to avoid such complications rather than trying to cure the condition yourself. Such complications include bleeding, inflammation and the need for surgery.


If you have blepharititis, you should also consider using ointment or eye drops that contain salicylic acid. These are effective and they have no side effects.



As mentioned earlier, the best way to deal with these cases is to use a topical solution. It is recommended that you use these products regularly and follow a strict regimen of daily cleansing, cleaning and protection.


When dealing with such cases of blepharititis, you should remember to use only prescribed medications prescribed by your doctor. There is no room for experimentation with your medicines as they will help you to control the inflammation of your eye but it will not do any harm to your health.


It is always a good idea to use a prescribed eye drop or cream as there is a chance that the symptoms of blepharititis can be confused with some other eye problems. Your doctor will usually prescribe the right eye drops or cream that will relieve the symptoms of the eye infection.


Other than applying prescribed creams, you can also use the eyedrops for treating the eye infection that contains salicylic acid. Once you have used one of these eye drops or creams, you must apply it twice a day and follow up with cleansing and disinfection of the eye area after each application.


You should also avoid smoking because smoking tends to irritate the eye. You may also want to wear a face mask if you have a tendency to sneeze or have red eyes.


If you do not get rid of your eye infections in time, you may be required to see an ophthalmologist for surgery. For severe blepharititis, antibiotics can also be prescribed. This can be expensive, so you should consult your doctor before using antibiotics.



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